“Made In America” is very important these days. Thank you if you choose to support us – we design and manufacture here in our Texas factory.
My name is Rod, and if you call, you get to talk to me and I am the one who developed the ADORSTORE automatic chicken door. If you text or voice-call, you get faster response than email, but if you email us please prompt us with a text so I'll go look for it. The answers you get come from the one who knows the answers, and that’s the way we’ve done it all along.
Here at AdorStore.com, our mainstream product is our Electronic Automatic Chicken Coop door. The Electronics Product Development aspect of our work goes back to the early 1970s but we started AdorStore.com to market Automatic Chicken doors, which we developed in 2012.
People are getting back to the basics. The humble lifestyle of growing your food, being less dependent on infrastructure, and being more self-reliant – that is our American History. Now also, it is more important than ever and is our future.
We apply technology to make hobby farm lifestyle or urban farm lifestyle manageable and more livable If you have chickens or want to have chickens, we have the automatic coop door that will help you keep them safe while releasing you of the burden of having to rise early out of bed or of getting home before dark.
We hope you take a look at our ADOR. If so, we believe you will agree when you learn about the ADOR: this is the best coop door product at ANY price. We are now in our 11th year of production of the ADOR1. The past few years there emerged an onslaught of foreign products. Take if from our customers -- from what I've been told, most of the foreign junk is flimsy and unrepairable. We support our customers with high quality, service, and availability of parts.
Please order your ADOR on-line right here from our site if you wish or call in your order, and come back from time to time and see whatever new products we've come up with. We designed the ADOR from scratch and we manufacture and market the ADOR right here in the USA, here in our home state of Texas.
“You’ll adore your ADOR!”