Can I run ADOR on Electric instead of Battery?

Yes, you can.  There are so many bad or weak batteries in the stores that a ~$7 solution may be for you.  Do you have an electrical receptacle in or near your coop?

Or for $22.50 you can buy our kit:  See our new 120V power adapter kit.

There is a DIY  power supply you  can get but we recommend you just get our kit.


But instead if you just want to do it yourself DIY for about $7 :  There is a little "6V 1A" power supply on Amazon does the job.  You have to cut off the round plug and strip the wires to connect to the clips and run the cord through holes provided in the floor of ADOR's control box, and tie a knot for strain relief, and finally wrap a little tape around the connections. 

So that previous paragraph says it all. Connecting to Electric power is that simple... but if you need more clarity:  Please take a look at this DIY video.


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